Pentagons and Pentagrams: An Illustrated History

Pentagons and Pentagrams: An Illustrated History

From the iconic Chrysler logo to the art of M.C. Escher to its appearance in many countries’ flags, the five-sided polygon known as the pentagon has great significance in many cultures. Eli Maor, a renowned historian of mathematics, shares his research about the occurrence of the asymmetrical shape in both organic and inorganic matter. With the superb illustrations of Eugene Jost, Maor unveils the fascinating stories of pentagrams and pentastars in art, architecture, astronomy, and other fields. Maor’s exposition of the Pythagorean underpinning of the evolution of pentagons offers a focused lens on how the geometric form has captivated philosophers, religious leaders, and artists for many generations.

Pentagons and Pentagrams is an engrossing volume for mathematics geeks and historians. The book centers on numerous examples in Western culture and Abrahamic religions, including Islam. Maor takes the reader on a journey through mathematics formulae and proofs to discuss the geometric properties of pentagons and pentagrams. Art aficionados will appreciate the discussion of aesthetics and the golden ratio. Jost’s illustrations are exquisite, from the fifteen unique tiling types to pentagonal puzzles. This book is a great ode to the captivating shape and how its symbolism and utility have evolved throughout millennia.