A Few Bicycles More
Fortune, Bicycle’s Bike, is acting weird. It’s telling her to go the wrong directions, and is blasting music without warning. It says it is like a magnetic pull, doing something it can’t control. Bicycle and sister Wanda, the person who raises her, go biking, and try to find whatever is happening to Fortune. On her trip, she finds her four identical sisters. She is happy to find her family. She’s never met them before, and is sad to leave Sister Wanda. Her family lives in an apartment and rarely goes outdoors, and none of them bike. Her mom is overprotective of her after they lost her when she was three.
That means Bicycle can’t do her favorite thing: ride a fortune. And Fortune finally finds what the magnetic pull is: it’s family. Will Bicycle be able to convince her family to let her go, or will she have to live locked up forever?
This is a good book and I think a lot of people can enjoy it. I was really interested in what would happen next. I really like the characters, they all had very strong personalities and were realistic. This book is also sad because Bicycle can’t leave her family but she has to save her bike’s, and she has to leave Sister Wanda. But there were some parts like the part where they start practicing in the hallway that were very predictable. The story was believable and I would love to have a bike like Fortune.